
Membership Information

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Types of Membership

PROFESSIONAL: A three years post secondary education in municipal or public administration, public management, law or any other discipline appropriate to municipal administration, and at least two years experience in municipal administration, OR a completed senior certificate and at least five years experience in municipal administration AND is currently employed in municipal administration;
STUDENT: A student in a course mentioned in the previous category, or a completed senior certificate and employed in any component of municipal administration;
ASSOCIATE: A member of IMASA who resigned or retired from employment in municipal administration and wishes to remain a member of the Institute;
SPECIAL: Involved in an ongoing basis in a professional way;
EXTERNAL: (i.e. lecturers in public administration, etc.) in the affairs of municipal administration, but not currently employed in municipal service.


  • Resource Center
  • Solutions, Skills & Performance
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Publications
  • Professional Support
  • Annual Conference
  • National workshops

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